11.6 C
sâmbătă, mai 4, 2024
AcasăACTUALITATEDeclaratia comuna a Patriarhului Kirill al Rusiei si Papa Francisc, dupa intalnirea...

Declaratia comuna a Patriarhului Kirill al Rusiei si Papa Francisc, dupa intalnirea ISTORICA. Viitorul omenirii in centrul atentiei!


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Papa Francisc şi Patriarhul Bisericii Ortodoxe Ruse, Kirill, au deplâns vineri, într-o istorică declaraţie comună semnată la Havana, „pierderea unităţii” dintre creştini şi s-au pronunţat pentru „restabilirea” acesteia, scrie AFP. 

Conştienţi că rămân numeroase obstacole de depăşit, ne exprimăm speranţa ca întâlnirea noastră să contribuie la restabilirea acestei unităţi dorite de Dumnezeu„, au afirmat cei doi lideri ai Bisericii Romano-Catolice şi, respectiv, al principalei Biserici Ortodoxe, în acest document semnat la finalul acestei prime întâlniri după Schisma din 1054. 

În acelaşi timp, ei au lansat un apel „comunităţii internaţionale la acţiuni urgente care să împiedice continuarea izgonirii creştinilor din Orientul Mijlociu (…) În Siria şi Irak, violenţa a dus la pierderea a mii de vieţi, lăsând milioane de oameni fără adăpost şi fără resurse”



“The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ and the love of God the Father and the fellowship of the holy Spirit be with all of you” (2 Cor 13:13).

1. By God the Father’s will, from which all gifts come, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, and with the help of the Holy Spirit Consolator, we, Pope Francis and Kirill, Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia, have met today in Havana. We give thanks to God, glorified in the Trinity, for this meeting, the first in history.

It is with joy that we have met like brothers in the Christian faith who encounter one another “to speak face to face” (2 Jn 12), from heart to heart, to discuss the mutual relations between the  Churches, the crucial problems of our faithful, and the outlook for the progress of human civilization.

2. Our fraternal meeting has taken place in Cuba, at the crossroads of North and South, East and West. It is from this island, the symbol of the hopes of the “New World” and the dramatic events of the history of the twentieth century, that we address our words to all the peoples of Latin America and of the other continents.

It is a source of joy that the Christian faith is growing here in a dynamic way.  The powerful religious potential of Latin America, its centuries–old Christian tradition, grounded in the personal experience of millions of people, are the pledge of a great future for this region.

3. By meeting far from the longstanding disputes of the “Old World”, we experience with a particular sense of urgency the need for the shared labour of Catholics and Orthodox, who are called, with gentleness and respect, to give an explanation to the world of the hope in us (cf. 1 Pet 3:15).

4. We thank God for the gifts received from the coming into the world of His only Son. We share the same spiritual Tradition of the first millennium of Christianity. The witnesses of this Tradition are the Most Holy Mother of God, the Virgin Mary, and the saints we venerate.  Among them are innumerable martyrs who have given witness to their faithfulness to Christ and have become the “seed of Christians”.

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